Phone: +45 87 32 18 08

Charlotte Søsted

Head of IP Administration, QIPA, Partner

MA Business Language, English

Since 2018, Charlotte has headed the IP Administration team, which has 18 coordinators specialized in administration of patent portfolios for small businesses and large corporations. In 2021, she was appointed partner at Plougmann Vingtoft, which made her the first partner to represent the business area of IP administration.

Charlotte is an experienced patent paralegal and patent coordinator and has worked at Plougmann Vingtoft since 1999.

She has passed the QIPA (Qualified Intellectual Property Administrator) exam and finished this with an educational course for employees engaged in formal case handling. The QIPA education provides a high degree of technical and practical skills within IPR administration, ensuring the highest degree of specialist assistance within administrative and formal matters.

Charlotte works with various types of clients, including small, medium-sized and large enterprises. Examples from her client portfolio are pharmaceutical and industrial companies, American associates, and Danish universities.

She handles administrative tasks, including correspondence with authorities and foreign associates, handling of transfers, filings and formal processing of patent applications and opposition proceedings.

Contact Charlotte, if you need advice on IP administration or want to learn more about Plougmann Vingtoft’s option for clients to outsource administrative IPR tasks to professional paralegals.