Plougmann Vingtoft certified for high quality searches

For more than 10 years, the Confederacy of European Patent Information User Groups (CEPIUG) has in collaboration with the national user groups (e.g. PIF in Denmark) worked on a certification system for patent searchers.

The aim of the system is:

  • to set professional standards
  • to give a kind of quality assurance (although as with any examination there is no guarantee that all who pass have the desired quality level)
  • to get recognition of the profession

Rules and regulations have now been finalized and the system is therefore ready to start. As a start, it has been possible to apply for a Prior Experience Recognition (PER) in a three month period if certain criteria were met. Thereby, a list of our experts have already been certified as Qualified Patent Information Professionals (QPIP):

At Plougmann Vingtoft, we recognize the importance of searching for patent information. Most IP analyses start with searching for prior art to base the analysis on. No matter whether a patentability analysis, a freedom to operate analysis, an infringement analysis, or a landscape analysis is performed, it is important that the relevant documents for the analysis have been identified. Therefore, Plougmann Vingtoft maintains a high focus on training our patent attorneys in making high quality patent searches.