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Matteo Biancardo

European Patent Attorney, Partner, UPC Representative / European Patent Litigator

Head of International sales, MSc, PhD Materials Chemistry

Matteo holds a PhD in materials chemistry, and has technical expertise within the area of renewable energy, in particular solar energy. In addition, he has vast experience with electrochromic, photochromic and nanoelectronic devices.

At Plougmann Vingtoft, he spends most of his time on patent landscaping, freedom-to-operate (FTO) analyses as well as novelty searches, drafting and prosecution of applications within the general field of physical chemistry.

Matteo is the co-inventor on patent applications related to photovoltaic and solar cells. He has also co-authored numerous scientific publications related to photovoltaic and solar cells, and he has been a reviewer on several scientific journals in the field of solar energy conversion.

Further, he participates in international conferences in the field of solar energy conversion and has previously been a speaker at the World Renewable Energy Conference (WREC-X and WREC-XIII).

He has successfully completed the CEIPI course in Patent Litigation at the University of Strasbourg and is registered as representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC).


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