This mini guide to design protection provides you with the where, why and how to register a design and strengthen your business.
Where the trademark protects your brand and the patent protects a technical functionality, design protection is about getting exclusive rights to the look of your product. For some companies, design protection is sufficient. Other companies may need to combine their design protection with patents and/or trademark registrations.
The overall purpose of an official design registration is to prevent competitors from copying your product’s design and to make sure your firm is entitled to compensation in case of infringement.
However, there are more advantages to registering a design. For example, owning the sole rights to a design will give you an upper hand in negotiations, if you want to enter licensing agreements with other firms or sell your company at some point.
Download Plougmann Vingtoft’s miniguide to design protection to figure out if you need to get your products covered.
You are always welcome to contact us with follow-up questions.
Download our miniguide to design protection