Plougmann Vingtoft signs the Confederation of Danish Industry’s Gender Diversity Pledge. With the pledge, we commit to working actively towards creating greater gender diversity in the private business sector in Denmark.
At Plougmann Vingtoft, sustainable development and social responsibility is at the core of what we do, and we are always looking to better ourselves and make a difference where possible. As part of this journey, we have chosen to sign the Confederation of Danish Industry’s (DI) Gender Diversity Pledge.
With our signature, we commit to working with the 16 principles laid out in the pledge with the overall aim of creating a greater gender diversity in the private sector in Denmark. Read the 16 principles in their entirety here.
Plougmann Vingtoft is already actively working with several of the principles in the pledge. One of the key points in the pledge is to achieve an overall gender distribution in the Danish private sector of 40% women and 60 % men. At Plougmann Vingtoft, our staff is currently made up of a majority of women.
In addition to focusing on gender diversity at the employee level, our board of directors is currently chaired by Chairwoman Nina Movin and three out of ten members in the partner group are currently female. But there is still room for improvement.
Being a responsible citizen
At Plougmann Vingtoft, we wish to help make a difference in society. This pledge implies a sense of responsibility for the planet we inhabit. Every day, we help our clients push the boundaries of innovation and bring their ideas to life. As a natural extension of this commitment, Plougmann Vingtoft joined the voluntary UN initiative Global Compact in 2008.
The UN Global Compact was initiated in 1999 and is a framework that aims to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt socially responsible policies. The initiative encompasses 10 principles within four areas: human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
We believe we can help make a difference in this regard because we advise companies on how to protect their innovative ideas through intellectual property rights. Every single day, Plougmann Vingtoft’s IP experts help companies that are trying to move in a more sustainable direction.
Educating the talents of the future
High ambitions are both difficult to fulfill and require a constant focus. And creating a diversified talent pool in a traditionally male-dominated field does not happen overnight. But we wish to do all in our power to support this development. Because it is in the interest of society as a whole that the most qualified people get to prove their worth, as there is currently a great unsaturated need for bright minds that can help build the technologies of the future.
To aid in this development, Plougmann Vingtoft has, therefore, launched several initiatives that can help spread awareness about the possibilities associated with studying one of the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Subjects that are at the center of the IP industry. To name a few initiatives, Plougmann Vingtoft’s experts currently teach courses at several Danish universities, where they contribute to spreading awareness about the field of IP.
Additionally, in 2019 Plougmann Vingtoft launched an annual startup donation under the name “IP Matters”. Every year ahead to 2030, we select a Danish startup that is working directly with one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The selected startup then receives a donation of IP consulting worth of DKK 50,000.
Most recently, the donation was awarded to startup company Uvisa Health, which is working to revolutionize the way we treat vaginal infections in women. Uvisa Health is working to develop a technological and reusable solution and is thus working with both SDG #3 (Good health and well-being) and #12 (responsible production and consumption). Previous winners of IP Matters count Cellugy and Lifeline Robotics.
Would you like to know more about our sustainability initiatives? Reach out to us through our contact form or read more in our latest sustainability report.